Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Vroom vroom! Party Starta!

(Pictures from 9/28/09)

There she is ladies and gentlemen - the star of the show.
And she's standing where our huge picture window will be.  That's the dining room.

There she is again - trying to steal the spotlight from the ceiling joists.
Standing in living room, fireplace in bottom right, and breakfast room behind McCall.

Notice the front porch.

Today they are starting on the garage walls.  The weather forecast looks spectacular for this week so we should have a lot of updates for you.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rainy day gets 2 posts.

(Pictures from 9/23/09)

Living room - you can see the back porch through the fireplace.

Standing in the Master Bedroom looking in the Bathroom.

Now we are all caught up.  They were supposed to be working on and finishing the ceiling joists this week.  But today it rained all day.  So they couldn't work.  Stupid rain.
Pray for sunshine for tomorrow. 

Barbeque on the River??

More like Barbeque IN the River!

Got 'em.

We're getting vertical!

(Pictures from 9/21/09)

That's me on the ladder in the back.  Just kidding.  It could have been though.

Moving from left to right: Master bedroom and bath - kitchen, living room and dining room in the middle - two bedrooms with a bathroom in between on the rightside of the house.  It's a pretty wild floor plan.  I know. 
It's going to be very open in the middle of the house.  That's one of the reasons we chose the floor plan. 

Holler if you hear me!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back by Popular Demand...Ask and you shall receive E. Holt.

(From 9/9/09)
Try to find my shadow.  Good job.

(From 9/17/09)
...And ta da.  Grab your sleeping bag, we have a floor, folks.

This was exciting.  Now we were able to walk from the front to the back of our house, without risk of falling into the crawl space.  Yeah, I know.  Tell me about it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A good Foundation is the key to...a successful House. Isn't that what they say?

(Pictures from 8/26/09)

From the garage looking towards the back of the house.

From the back of the house looking towards the street.

Crawl space?  More like a walk space.  hi-oh! 
Once the lot was cleared to start digging, we got a better idea of the elevation issues with the lot.  The back of the lot is lower than the front, which is ideal, but the amount of drop-off on the back right of the lot forced us to have a bigger foundation than we planned.  We could have opted for a basement, but we decided to add a storage room underneath the house.  You can see this in the back of the first picture and the bottom of the second picture.  The storage room will be nice for, well you know, storing stuff.  It will come in handy, we're sure.              
From this stage it took, due to a minor snag, roughly three weeks to finish the floor.  And just to remind you, because we are backtracking, that's already happened.  Those pictures are soon to follow so everyone hold your breath.

Friday, September 18, 2009

House Party!

That picture is roughly a month old. Since the beginning of this process, we have been taking pictures. In an effort to take more pictures and enjoy the process more, we decided to share some of this with you guys.
As you may imagine, this is all new territory for us - literally, too. It went something like this: we decided to build (and found a builder), we searched and found a floor plan and then we searched and found a lot. Sounds easy, right? Well, for the most part it was - more fun than head-aches at least.
That's all I want to say here. I don't want to scare anybody off with too much jibber-jabber. It is the era of the tweets anyhow.
Stay tuned.